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Competition Obedience


Competition Obedience

Open & Utility

with Joyce O'Connell



This class is designed to teach the advanced Competition Obedience exercises performed in the Open and Utility Classes. You and your dog will learn skills such as retrieving, high jump and broad jump, drop on recall, out of sight group stay work, distance signal control, scent work, directed retrieving, go outs and directed jumping. 


The goal of this class is to create the advanced teamwork necessary to obtain the title of Companion Dog Excellent and/or Utility Dog.

This class is for owners who have the basic Novice level skills and who want to continue to challenge themselves and their dog, or for owners who have some skills at the more advanced level and want to continue to polish those skills.




What to bring: clicker, treats and a great sense of humor


Contact Joyce for more information  :







If you are currently competing and would like to join a class please email Joyce O'Connell. She will let you know if she has any openings. 



Introduction to

Competition Obedience

with Lizette Durrschmidt



Introduction to Competition Obedience teaches the basic skills necessary to obtain the first level, or Companion Dog title, in Obedience Competition.  You will learn heeling exercises, recall with sit at front, finish, stand for exam and sit and down stays in a group of dogs. 


​This class is for owners who are new to the sport of Competition Obedience, for experienced owners with a new dog, or for those who want to polish their dog’s Novice skills while continuing to challenge themselves and their dogs in learning other skills.



​What to bring to class:  Clicker, treats and a crate for your dog.


This class will be 6 weeks for $190 plus tax you must have done family dog 2 before signing up. If you have not done classes at Tails please contact the office to set up an evaluation . 860-646-5033 or


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